Friday, July 29, 2005

Ah, the joys of teeth

Well, I went to the family dentist today. After about six or more numbing shots and an hour of drilling the dentist sat up and announced that he couldn't finish the root canal! He said my tooth was too hard an that he would have to send me to a specialist. He also said that this speicallist would be quite pricey. So, he patched me up and after even giving me a shot in the nerve of my tooth (through the hole he drilled) he didn't give me any pain medication. So, I went home, with some rather bad news. That my tooth was not fixed after taking a 1/2 day off of work and we would have to spend more time and money at another doctor getting it fixed. So, that is the news.

Please continue to pray for my meeting tomorrow with the Manager from Primerica. I need guidance and direction for what questions to ask (even though they are all written out) and I just really want to follow God's will. So, now that I am a bit loopy from some pain medication graciously given to me by my father, I think I will go crash on the couch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!!! Here I was thinking that it might be a painful process but worth it at the end of the day - hmmmmm - were you able to make an appointment for the specialist? Or do you get to wait on that? I am not thinking very good thoughts about your dentist - partly because I think you are awfully young for a root canal and ususally that can be traced back to the original dentist. But I could be wrong about all of that and I don't want to jump to conclusions (which I already have)....keep us posted on thoughts and prayers are with you about this new position....I did read Jennie's response and agree that not being in your immediate field would be a potential negative, although you can definitely use this experience in Christian Education further down the only concern is how do they get the business - do you have to get so many referrals - in other words, do you have to bring in business? Other than that, it sounds like a great opportunity.....but my prayer is always "Thy will be done and help me to accept it" So, I just pray for guidance for you and that He will make His way known to you - He already is! Good night and I hope your tooth doesn't keep you the way, Daryl had a similar experience years ago and it turned out quite well - he found a great dentist who also was very good at tooth extraction, root canals, etc. so perhaps that will be your experience too.....bye for now :)